Work Hard Until Expensive Becomes Cheap

Is shopping being a good habit?

I might tell you there’s nothing bad about shopping. Shopping can be emotional release for students. Many of them shop to reduce stress and just want to hang out with friends. But somehow it may be harmful for someone if it is not control wisely soon it will become addiction. 

As for me, I really love to go shopping. It is because, shopping is fun way to reduce the stress and drowning bad thoughts in our mind. I found that shopping is super calming and relaxing our body. I am extremely enjoyed shopping. I like shopping many random things especially for clothes and food. I usually go shopping in big shopping malls, because there is a variety of choices of clothes and food. Frequently, I go shopping twice a month, depends on any offer from my friends (Haha). Sometimes, I am just window shopping when I don’t have enough money with me.  My family members and I never go shopping on weekdays or late at night, we often go shopping on Saturdays and Sunday’s noon.

I usually buy books since I love to read a lot and there are a lot of interesting books that I haven’t read yet. Lately, I always go shopping with my sister, as she has a good taste for clothes. I really like to go shopping with her. If I wanted to buy something, and can’t decide of what to buy, then she helped me to get the one that fits me. To be exact, I rarely go window shopping because I will have something to buy. The urge of buying thing have made me lost. That is why shopping is my favourite thing to do. 

Furthermore, when I get some pocket money, I will save it. I usually buy things online especially on Shopee because there are a lot of things that you can get and with the reasonable and affordable prices. For instance, power bank, earphone, scarves. In addition, Shopee also offer free shipping service on the selected items. Hence, there’s no big difference on buying things in store and online due to the shipping fee. I strongly believe that shopping will bring someone a great satisfaction because you will be able to save a lot of money and more time. 

Some people may buy things because they need it, or some people buy things because they want it. In my opinion, I like to walk around the shopping mall looking for the things that I want, updating new arrivals and new trends goods.

Everyone in this world must control themselves to buy must or needed items. Some people may despise shopping and only shop for the things that is only necessary for them. Spending more than you should on unnecessary things tend to make your habit to a bridge of serious addiction. Making a plan before you go shopping might help you to reduce the expenditure. With that, I would like to thank all of my beloved readers as this post might be the last one according to my Computer Application assignment. But, I really hope that I could write more on this blog since, blogging enhance my self-esteem, sharing what I have done, and how to express my feelings.

Thank you for your time. I am so thankful for what all of you did. Until next time! 


  1. Shopping can be a stress release as well for us (ladies) especially hihi..
    but as you grow older, and u have a lot of bags to carry (kids), u tend to go shopping online only.. hahahaha
    hmm suddenly feel really old. lol
    anyway good writing as usual. you really have a talent in this (blogging, writing). maybe due to your hobby in reading as well.
    i believe you will have no problem in writing your thesis in future :D
    Good job tina, and i'll miss your writing huhu..
    Take care and good luck for final!


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