Your only LIMIT is your MIND

Me and my friends after finished our Zumba Mania Session that was held every month by Unit Sukan at UiTM Dengkil.

Hi, everyone!

Today, I want to talk you guys about 3 habits that changed my life. I develop these habits about a year ago and back then, I was literally a loyal procrastinator. I did not have my life together. I would not do anything for days and then my works will exactly pile up. It was not a nice time in my life EVER. These habit are not necessary things that came naturally to me but rather they are habits that were developed in my whole life. I believe that they played a really big role as who I am as a person today.

You don't have to be the best.

Like most of you I was probably introduced to working out in fitness or sport as a primary, secondary school and university student. I tried different  types  of sport. As for examples, I did softball, netball. Thus, I really wasn't good in those sports. I remember in softball team, I joined the training session everyday in the evening. Until on the big day (Selection Day), I could not managed to join the team. I was in a little bit disappointed ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Hence, I kind of grew up thinking that I just wasn't good at fitness and I wasn't good at working out or joining sports. But luckily, for certain, I think that I'm a little bit good at running as in my secondary school, I was participated in relays for 4x100m when I'm Form 3 until Form 5, represented my school sport house. Other than that, I'm also having fun joined zumba session back then until now.

Most important thing that I've learned, fitness is not about being good at it but it's something that you do to better yourself and improve yourself and I think having mindset of not having to be necessarily good at it, but just enjoying the benefits of fitness have been a really great change in my mindset. So now, whenever I'm stressed or whatever I am tired incorporating fitness into my lifestyle has been really beneficial and I'm really elated that this has become one of my habit because I know that this habit might bring a lot advantages to me.

And writing things down immediately.

My study schedule where I put it on my board.

One of the first things that I do when I get my schedule now is putting everything into my weekly planner. In addition, every time I have a big to-do-list, I like to write them down because I think having them in my head does kind of clutters my mind and I feel like I spend a lot of energy trying not to forget the things that I have to do that it's actually a waste of my energy and it's literally wasting of time. It feels nice because I feel like I have actually getting things done. Besides, it is also helpful because I am not forgetting anything that I have to do.

So I started writing everything down on a piece of paper so that I don't forget and also helps me become aware of the due dates of each assignment.
Besides that, you can also have a certain apps in your phone where you will bring down or list things and ideas. Otherwise, there's a big chance that you will never find what you wrote down and that is even worse than forgetting.

Prepare everything for the next great day.

I spent some time out of my night to prepare for the next day:
  • Clean up and rearrange my stuffs on my desk and making sure that I have a clean work area and space for the next day.
  • I will pick up my clothes for the next day because that takes a ton of times in the morning if I decided not to do it the night before.
  • Put my skincare products on the table, so that it will reduce the time that I spent to get done in the morning since it is can be easily access.
  • I also like to pack my bag and make sure that I have every necessary things in it because packing in the morning means I am going to forget something.
By being prepared with getting all of this things done, it's tend to be little things but this way the next day flows so much smoother. I also feel so much more organized and I feel like my life together. I am rarely late to ride a bus in the morning and most importantly, I am not late to a class.

Daily habits have the power to change your entire life. Do not ever underestimate of small things that you do is limited by the time consume. Pay attention to everything that you are doing each day, so that you can create a new version of you without having to be worried of all times and overthink upon unnecessary things.

With that being said, I think that's all for this sharing. I hope the above is useful to you in terms of to be more productive especially as a student. Make it happen, don't just make a wish. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below.

Until next time๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“


  1. Salam Tina,
    That's a lot of good tips u have given there. good job.
    Every one should read your blog and find out what is your secret here :D
    Excellent tina. Keep it up!


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