Nothing looks as good as healthy feels.

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Good morning, everyone! Today, I am going to share about 1001 advantages of drinking green tea in our daily life. 

Before that, let me present to you what is actually green tea?

Tea comes in different varieties, but all are derived from the same plant. Either it is green, black, white, and oolong tea are produced from the Camellia sinensis plant.
Green tea is manufactured by steaming the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It does not go through the same fermentation process as other types of tea so it will retain more of the antioxidants and nutrients found in the plant leaves. (Kandola, 2018)

What are the health benefits that we can get from green tea?

1.       Fights off allergies
2.       Makes one’s smarter
3.       Makes teeth and gums stronger
4.       Helps to live longer
5.       Improves skin condition
6.       Burns fat
7.       Improves eyesight
8.       Lowers cholesterol
9.       Boost happiness
10.   Regulates blood sugar levels

But, in this sharing, I just want to give a highlight upon 2 of the benefits above. There are about how green tea can help reducing acne and weight loss.

How can Green Tea help to reduce acne? 

Green tea is rich source of catechins, which is an antimicrobial substance that will help in killing the bacteria that is responsible for causing acne. Thus, reducing the redness and inflammation caused by acne.

Other than that, green tea also has the powerful ability that can decrease the damaging effect cause by UV rays onto the skin. To solve that, you can apply green tea topically so that, it will be able to protect our skin from sun damage, wrinkles and ageing.

Green Tea for weight loss? Does it really work well?

As it mentioned, green contains caffeine and catechins. Catechins is a type of antioxidant. These two compounds were suggested by research and studies, can enhance the body metabolism. Both caffeine and catechins can add up the amount of energy of our body uses. Apart from that, catechins also can assist to break down excess fat.

A number of studies show that green tea extract can amplify fat burning. The effect is even stronger during exercise.

According to,.. In a study, men who took green tea extract before exercise burned 17% more fat than men who did not take the supplement with green tea listed as an ingredient. The suggests that green tea can boost the fat-burning effects of exercise. An eight week study determined that tea catechins increased fat burning, both during exercise and rest.

As for me, I started to drink green tea last year since I’m in my foundation level. My friend did introduce to me green tea. I took a sip of the tea, first time ever. Frankly, it was a little bit tasteless, but it is not that awful.  I asked her, why did she drink that kind of tea. She said that, her sister recommended to drink it, in order to improve her skin condition. Soon after that, I saw my housemate also drank green tea. From that day on wards, I have decided to try adding green tea into my routine. 

Some of the green tea that I've tasted
Then, I made a research on how to use green tea to improve my skin. As a result of my research, I found some methods and I already applied them. Firstly, by just drinking the tea, it works wonder on my skin, my pimples reduced and my skin get clearer. Moreover, after finish drinking the tea, wait for a few minute to let the tea bag cooler then you can use it as a toner. Either press the tea bag to make the excess tea come out from the bag to a cotton pad, accumulate the tea into spray bottle or just dab the tea bag onto your skin. Furthermore, you can make a face mask or scrub by using the the green tea. Squeeze the tea bag to get the extract. Some of the ingredients that you may add in are honey and lemon.

What do you think of tea? Do you know that green tea can do such amazing things to your life? I hope that i can help every of you who wants to find out about how green tea can actually refine our skin problems. See you next time!


  1. Macam pernah baca je pasal green tea ni ;D
    U must continue this after worked out on your ppt presentation :D
    Good tips anyway, i should try yg tea bags tu :D
    Keep it up!


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