From Nobody To Somebody.

Taking picture before leaving the museum.

Hi everyone. I hope you are doing just great today on wards. 

On this beautiful day, I would like to share a little bit of my experience of a programme that I joined last week, Program Anak Muda Wawasan Lestari (AMWAL) Kawasan Batu dan Wangsa Maju.  It is held from 22 until 24 November 2019 (Friday until Sunday). The week before the day, one of my friends told me that the president of Sekretariat International Festival randomly picked a name and ended up I am the chosen one to join this programme. 

At first, I am really felt unlucky. In addition, I have a group discussion and other things to do on that day. Plus, I am not interested the programme as I looked into the schedule. I thought that it will be hectic slots in during the programme. 

By the time passed as the day approaching, I had the urge decided to give any reasons not to join this activity. I asked my friends, one of them, consoled me to drop my name and the other support and encourage me to join. They said it will be super beneficial for you later. You just have to believe that this programme must be terribly awesome at the end. 

On the first day which is Friday, started at 2.30 pm with participants registerations. We were given a mini bagpack including a blue ball pen, programme schedule and a notebook. Next, we had a talk from the project manager of this programme, he brief about the programme’s journey. Then, we’re having tea, continued with ice breaking, games, and also group formation. At the night, we were having a talk with a man who is the CEO of Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (YBK). 

He taught us how to be a successful youth among the problematic and chaos society as for example. He said that, no matter what you are trying to be successful at, is happiness. When finding a way to fight through the bad times, stay positive and generally be happy can impact on how successful you are in all areas of your life. I was so determined to plan ahead my life’s journey as he mentioned the way to do it. And also, to be brave to speak in front of others, and always remember that, all things that we spoke was only kept between ourselves. Hence, there’s no need to be overthink and insecure of what you are thinking you are doing.

On the next day, we went to Muzium Penjara Malaysia at Bandar Hilir, Melaka. I was so excited about the trip that we’re having on Saturday. We depart from Kolej Keris Mas at 7.45 am by bus. Then, we arrived at 9.30 am. Once we entered the museum, then we gathered with another group from Cheras which represent Wangsa Maju. We were standing in line under the scorching sun. Yup, they treat us like we were a prisoner.  We shocked and confused at first since the corporal started to yell and ranted. I could not imagine how they treat the prisoners since they only treated us for only 20% of it. 

We were locked in a cell. 5 participants in each cell.
Next slot was Entrepreneurship Skills. We’ve got to visit the place where local market and sell their products. It is located at in Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall at the lower ground. We visit the stalls down there and met one of the owner of the stall.  We’re also given a chance to ask any question to him regarding his small business. Not only that, he also offered us special price for every purchase.

Our advisor told us that he was selling local products made by the locals.
Many of us bought food and snacks as souvenirs from Melaka.
Coconut Shake Special for RM 3.90

At 5 pm, we departed from Melaka to Bangi. But before going back, we stopped at a place well said had the most popular coconut shake in Melaka which is in Klebang. You have to queue and there’s more than 6 mixer (I don’t know how much of it to be exact). The workers also more than five. But, you don’t have wait for a long time. They’ve got the best service in town. Thus, the price is also reasonable and affordable. After that, we continued our journey, it took hours to arrive Bangi since it was raining cat and dog + traffic jam (as the school holiday began :D). Luckily, we arrived in UKM at 9.30 pm. 

Soon after we arrived at KKM, we had dinner. After that, we gathered at Bilik Seminar 2 to continue our session with closing ceremony that will be on Sunday, and ‘Refleksi Diri’ postponed to the next day since we’re running out of time at that night.

On Sunday, we started at 8.30 for our AMWAL Kawasan Batu Closing Ceremony. It supposed to be at 11.00 am, but since the chief officer of could not attend at that time, then we were having the ceremony first, then proceeded with the next slot ‘Cerita Orang Gagal’. The speaker of this talk came up with the story since he was a kid, getting in the Henry Gurney School at age of 16, getting apologize from Agong and be free again. His speech was remarkable and touched my heart to be the best version of me. He claimed that, to be success in this life is about giving and sharing what we have with others, either materials or non-materials kind of things. “Rezeki kita bukanlah hak mutlak kita seorang, tetapi untuk dikongsikan dengan orang yang memerlukan”.

 Furthermore, he also told us that life is not a competition. It is about one’s journey. It is because, when one’s struggling with he/she studies, they will end up disappoint if the result was undesirable. Thus, making one’s life hard and difficult. Instead of that, we have to follow the lead of our own life’s journey, keep on studying and the most essential thing is do not give up. Besides, be content of what you’re doing and be grateful of what you have.
Photograph session.

Thank you for reading my post up to this point. I am very grateful and nonetheless feeling it is just ‘waste of time’ programme to join in. I highly recommended that this program will be involved a large number of youngsters since it will bring awareness of the youngsters not to involve in any kind of fault or crime that soon will destroyed their life. 

See you on the next post. Have a great day and love yourself more!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Salam Tina,
    I agree, life is a journey, not a competition.
    So how was it?
    Did u regret joined the program or u find it is worth?
    i think to be put in cell is really good experience huh..
    i have been in Pudu Jail before so i know how small the cell is.. really scary.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing


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