When nothing goes RIGHT, go LEFT

Me, my classmates with our lab instructor, Dr. Adrian at the end of our last Chemistry lab session in Uitm Dengkil

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone πŸ‘‹☺.

So this time, I would like to share about my passion. Yeay finally, I made this entry. Basically, I want to tell you a story about how I made one of the hardest decision in my life. Sounds crucial, right? πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Before I made a decision to choose a course to further my degree, I literally not in a good stateπŸ˜…, haha just kidding. The truth is, I hardly managed to get it done since I frequently access upuonline website to make choices and keep finding courses that really fits me until the due date. I said this because, I find myself don’t have any interest at certain things or a course to be exact. I don’t know why🀷🏻‍♀️. Frankly, I’m frustrated a little bit. 

What did I do?

To cope with my problems, I decided to seek
a counselling session at Uitm regarding to my career. I am really thankful to my counselor, Puan Vina as she helped me a lot in order to make a right decision. She did recommend me some of the undergraduates programmes that is offered by Uitm. By referring on her advice, I can easily picture my carrier field so that I can choose a course that fits me well. It is highly recommend for all of you to meet counselors if you are having a hard times not only when you need guidance to choose a career, but also when you're struggles with your inner self.

But that does not meant that, i found my ideal course. So, I made some research through some blogposts, youtube channels and also took some career quizzes.

In the beginning, I managed to put some courses that really caught my attention in the top 5 from 12 choices in total. Things that I take into my consideration when choosing a course.
  • Choose the university that is nearest from my home 
  • The course must be not-science-related

Behind that 2 consideration:
  1. It is a lot more easier if it is near to my house as the expenditure is reduced rather than it is far from our home . Especially,in terms of transportation such as bus fare, touch n go and so on. (Alright, to be honest, I hate being far away from my home πŸ )🀣
  2. I would to tell you that I took pure science at my secondary school and then, I continue my studies in foundation level at Uitm Dengkil in Foundation in Science.  Honestly, I really enjoyed the lab sessions, handling with specimen, using the material and the apparatus there. But, I could not see myself would love this part of lab session in the next level of education (degree level) where, we have to submit the lab report at the end of the day. In addition,the assessment and evaluation is different.
    My team members in crimeπŸ˜†

Look what have we done to this rat?πŸ˜‚

At first, I was randomly put the courses in a sequence, and then I asked my father,'Is it okay to have these kind of choices? Then, my father encourage me to put Bachelors of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the first place. My parents both agreed. Not only that, I even asked my sister,she was doubting my decision that I have made but then, she listed some of undergraduates programmes which included HR Management, engineering programmes and some science courses. Thinking back about the consideration that I've made, I think that BEI would suits me better. Finally, I've made my mind to choose Bachelors of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BEI).
After the application form (upuonline) submitted, again I'm having a hard times. This is due to my surrounding. This is happen whenever people asked me about the course that I will  be taking for my bachelor's programme. Is it really matters? 

YES, IT IS.(I am very picky, yet to much excuses. Am I right?πŸ˜‚)

Most frequently, my friends would asked me about that and of course I have to answer them. So, whenever they heard me and then noticed that my course has no relation to science, some of them was a little bit shock but they keep it themselves (but I knew it, they must be puzzled with my choice), some of them really encourage me and support me to study in this field and want me to be a successful entrepreneur sooner or laterπŸ˜†πŸ˜†. Yup, I really appreciate those moral support from my friends as the insecurities hits me hard. 

That's all for this entry, I hope everyone of you who reads until the very end really enjoy this post. This time, I personally tell you what is inside me, from deep down in my heart. I know that I'm lacking in some part of me in person, I bare in mind, just be you. If you are struggling with yourself, just remember that it is okay to be not okay. You only fight with your own self not with others. It is today or never. Make a life changing to be the best version of you.

If you have any comments with my content, or want to ask about myself can drop a comment down below. Spread positivity❤😻. Thank you, everyone. Till we meet again in the next post. Have a nice day ahead!


  1. Salam Tina,
    Did u noticed that in the 1st part of your posting u spell career as "carrier" instead of career? am quite confused for a moment. correct that ya.
    i can see your post is longer than last time and i have to applaud you for using a very simple english in expressing your ideas that i believe everyone will get what do u want to tell them.
    for that, well done.
    tho i must be one of those quite surprised to know that u were from pure science. thats ok, just trust Allah's plan and go for it yeah!
    keep it up!

    1. Salam Madam Fiza,
      Yes, I did not noticed the spelling error there, yet already corrected that word. It's made me look like a total beginner in English :D. Got to improve that for good. I really appreciate your kind words and also the dua <3 <3. I hope that I can strive in this field. Yeah, go for it. Thank you very much madam.


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