Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader


The reasons why  I choose this topic:

1. I'm reading too slow
2. I cannot reach the middle part of the book, get stuck in the beginning.
3. Do not have time to read.
4. Get sleepy after read few pages.

If you got the same view point as me, so this entry might be helpful for all of us.
Before going deeper into this topic, the questions need to be answer are ;

 Why reading is so much important?
 How it will help you in your daily life?
 What is the advantages of reading?

A few days ago, I managed to watch one of videos from youtube channel, Linguamarina  ' 8 Tips for Reading FASTER in English ' published at 13 September 2019.


I have concluded some of the tips that suggested from the video :
  • Separating formats
For instance; 
Audio (eg: Podcasts) → Stories
Electronic (eg: online courses) → Learning
Hard copy (easy to highlight words/sentences) → Poolside / relaxed

  • Minimize subvocalization (saying words in your head while you are reading)
In contrary of that, you should:
~ use a rhythms
~ listen to music (instrumental)
~ guide yourself (use pen / pencil)
~ do not read word by word (can skip words without losing it’s meaning)
  • Create detailed reading plan
that must be:
~ actionable
~ time allocated for this book
~ set numbers of pages per day
~ can read several books at a time
~ make sure that you are comfortable with your reading space.
~ drink tea
~ read book's reviews beforehand ( you will be prepared for the upcoming information)
  • Make a movie in your head
~ visualize the content in your mind


I've got this idea from a Youtuber, Amanda Rach Lee in her videos. She inspired me to get a bullet journal, and started to keep track on everything. Since then, I love to be organized, being on track. In addition, she made a page entitled ' Monthly Habit Tracker '. So, I do the same things and include in my reading plan for novel ' Fun Read ', articles and any types of reading material in my daily routine. It is very practical to ensure our reading habits day by day.

This is my pages in my bullet journal :
February's Habit Tracker

March's Habit Tracker

If you look into March's habit tracker, you will see 'Fun Read' where, I allocate 10 pages per day, or sometimes I have to finish one chapter each day. It is up to you to put a target of our reading plan for the day. It is basically based on our own preferences. It could be one book each day, or you can set up amount of words, chapter that you want to read everyday. Make sure to keep on track, so that you will successfully achieved your monthly goals and get many ticks ( / ) as you can.


In my point of view, I believe that just by reading, we can be the best version of ourselves. Reading give all of us an enormous impact to us. This is correlated to the values that we will gain after making reading as habit not our hobby.

Firstly, reading gives a new way of life. This is because, you are expose to other things so that you can learn new understandings, new ways, new information in order to solve a problem. For example, this is proven when you read autobiography book about someone, you will learn how they live their life and from that you can learn from their hardship to be even more successful.

Other than that, reading can makes you smarter. Through reading you can gain a lot more useful general knowledge. For instance, you read about a subject or any other things that you love, then you realized that reading that book is super beneficial for you to dive deeper into things that you like. The more you read, the more you could discover the world as a whole. This will make you far ahead in life and also helps to improve your brain capability to sharpen your thoughts and be smarter.

In a nutshell, there are many techniques to read fast, but always remember that you have to balance between speed and comprehension as well so that you will have a quality reading. Together, let's make reading as our daily routine so that we can develop our mind as a leader in the future. That's fits our topic today and with that, thank you for interested to read this blog post. Hope that we have the opportunity to reached out in the next entry.👐😍


  1. Salam Tina,
    Good tips u have there. Indeed reading could make the new you and make you fly out there.
    I should follow your tips as well :)
    Good job and well done on the posting.
    Hope to see more in future.
    Keep it up!


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