
Showing posts from October, 2019

Your only LIMIT is your MIND

Me and my friends after finished our Zumba Mania Session that was held every month by Unit Sukan at UiTM Dengkil. Hi, everyone! Today, I want to talk you guys about 3 habits that changed my life. I develop these habits about a year ago and back then, I was literally a loyal procrastinator. I did not have my life together. I would not do anything for days and then my works will exactly pile up. It was not a nice time in my life EVER. These habit are not necessary things that came naturally to me but rather they are habits that were developed in my whole life. I believe that they played a really big role as who I am as a person today. HABIT NO. 1: EXERCISING! You don't have to be the best. Like most of you I was probably introduced to working out in fitness or sport as a primary, secondary school and university student. I tried different  types  of sport. As for examples, I did softball, netball. Thus, I really wasn't good in those sports. I remember in softbal

UKM, here I am.

Source :  Main entrance of Kolej Keris Mas Salam and Hi, everyone! I hope that everyone of you have been doing nothing but great all the way up to this moment when you are reading this post. :D. This time I would like to share my experience having a precious moment studying in UKM. Alhamdulillah, praise to the Creator as I have been given the chance to be in UKM to continue my studies in degree level. It’s already passed a month, I stayed in UKM. Am I too late for this kind of story? I hope not. Hahaha😂. Okay, let’s begin with the hostel or college, where I am staying right now. Source : Talking about the college, I am the 20 th batch of students stayed in this college. My college's name is Kolej Keris Mas or in shortest form, we only mention KKM. During the orientation week, the facilitators (students from 2 nd and 3 rd year students) told us that our college was the 2 nd bigge

Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader

HOW TO SPEED READING? The reasons why  I choose this topic: 1. I'm reading too slow 2. I cannot reach the middle part of the book, get stuck in the beginning. 3. Do not have time to read. 4. Get sleepy after read few pages. If you got the same view point as me, so this entry might be helpful for all of us. Before going deeper into this topic, the questions need to be answer are ;  Why reading is so much important?  How it will help you in your daily life?  What is the advantages of reading? A few days ago, I managed to watch one of videos from youtube channel, Linguamarina  ' 8 Tips for Reading FASTER in English ' published at 13 September 2019.   I have concluded some of the tips that suggested from the video : Separating formats For instance;  Audio (eg: Podcasts) → Stories Electronic (eg: online courses) → Learning Hard copy (easy to highlight words/sentences) → Poolside / relaxed Minimize subvocalization (saying words in you

When nothing goes RIGHT, go LEFT

Me, my classmates with our lab instructor, Dr. Adrian at the end of our last Chemistry lab session in Uitm Dengkil Assalamualaikum and hi everyone  . So this time, I would like to share about my passion. Yeay finally, I made this entry. Basically, I want to tell you a story about how I made one of the hardest decision in my life. Sounds crucial, right? 😆😅 Without further ado, let’s get into it! Before I made a decision to choose a course to further my degree, I literally not in a good state , haha just kidding. The truth is, I hardly managed to get it done since I frequently access upuonline website to make choices and keep finding courses that really fits me until the due date. I said this because, I find myself don’t have any interest at certain things or a course to be exact. I don’t know why🤷🏻‍♀️. Frankly, I’m frustrated a little bit.  W hat did I do? To cope with my problems , I decided to seek a counselling session at Uitm regarding to my career. I am r