
Showing posts from December, 2019

Work Hard Until Expensive Becomes Cheap

Is shopping being a good habit? I might tell you there’s nothing bad about shopping. Shopping can be emotional release for students. Many of them shop to reduce stress and just want to hang out with friends. But somehow it may be harmful for someone if it is not control wisely soon it will become addiction.  As for me, I really love to go shopping. It is because, shopping is fun way to reduce the stress and drowning bad thoughts in our mind. I found that shopping is super calming and relaxing our body. I am extremely enjoyed shopping. I like shopping many random things especially for clothes and food. I usually go shopping in big shopping malls, because there is a variety of choices of clothes and food. Frequently, I go shopping twice a month, depends on any offer from my friends (Haha). Sometimes, I am just window shopping when I don’t have enough money with me.   My family members and I never go shopping on weekdays or late at night, we often go shopping on Saturdays a

Nothing looks as good as healthy feels.

From : Good morning, everyone! Today, I am going to share about 1001 advantages of drinking green tea in our daily life.  Before that, let me present to you what is actually green tea? Tea comes in different varieties, but all are derived from the same plant. Either it is green, black, white, and oolong tea are produced from the Camellia sinensis plant. Green tea is manufactured by steaming the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It does not go through the same fermentation process as other types of tea so it will retain more of the antioxidants and nutrients found in the plant leaves. (Kandola, 2018) What are the health benefits that we can get from green tea? 1.        Fights off allergies 2.        Makes one’s smarter 3.        Makes teeth and gums stronger 4.        Helps to live longer 5.        Improves skin condition 6.        Burns fat 7.        Improves eyesight 8.